Let’s be straight. If you expect the climate in the Faroe Islands to include 30 degrees of sun every day, sweat constantly dripping from your forehead, and a duvet-less sleep, you have been slightly misinformed. Not to say this isn’t possible (we once recorded 26 degrees!). It’s just not quite the norm.

What surprises many, however, is the relative mildness of the Faroese seasons. One of the things that makes the Faroe Islands so special is the weather. And there’s certainly a lot of it in the middle of the North Atlantic! If one word can neatly sum up conditions at 62 degrees north it’s changeable. Visitors to the Faroes, who come from countries where the weather is altogether more stable and predictable, are often surprised by how quickly conditions can change in the islands.

“If you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes!”


 A misty and foggy morning, where grey clouds sit stubbornly atop the surrounding hillsides, can easily turn into a gloriously sunny afternoon, often punctuated by clouds scudding across the bluest of skies. Rain in the form of drizzle, showers or downpours can occur at any moment though rarely lasts for very long – but, then, that’s only to be expected when you’re on an island surrounded by a vast ocean. 

Indeed, it’s the Faroes’ exposed location in the North Atlantic which is responsible for the climatic feature which is perhaps most associated with the islands: wind. Powerful and unpredictable, all Faroese people know to treat the wind in the Faroe Islands with the utmost respect. 


Arriving by Air: Air turbulence at the Faroes’ airport, Vágar, is well known in aviation circles– so don’t be alarmed if your pilot delays descending to land until the wind has stabilised or visibility improves. In bad weather, it’s simply a question of battening down the hatches and sitting it out, knowing that it won’t be long before the inclement conditions improve. Faroese pilots are truly in a league of their own. 
Hiking: The weather can change in the blink of an eye, a fog could appear all of a sudden, so be sure to check the local weather before heading out on a hiking adventure. 
Stormcation: Should you happen to be on the islands while a storm is sweeping the archipelago. Make sure to tune into the local news stations for updates and be mindful of regulations. Ferocious wind can overturn cars, fling bicycles, wheelbarrows – and sheep – or anything else that’s not anchored down anywhere it chooses and often leads to cancellations and delays on ferries and buses.  

Forecasting the weather in the Faroe Islands is no easy job as sun, rain, wind and cloud cover frequently vary from island to island and, more locally, can even be different from one side of a hill or valley to another. Don’t be surprised, then, when you’re driving around the islands to enter a tunnel in thick fog, only to emerge a few minutes later, on the other side, blinking into bright sunshine. In fact, it’s the quality of the light in the northern sky – angular, sharp and clear – thanks to the admirable lack of pollution, that has helped make the Faroes a favourite destination for artists. 

What to pack when travelling to the Faroe Islands

Naturally, in terms of clothing, it pays to come fully prepared for all kinds of weather. If you’re planning a hiking tour, sturdy, waterproof boots and hiking trousers are a must. Even if the only walking you intend to do is around town, it’s a good idea to bring a waterproof jacket with you – and a thick jumper, hat and gloves (even in summer) can also be a good idea. If you take a boat trip, for example, the wind can be cold out at sea and you’ll be glad of the extra layers.